COST Action CA17132 - APPLY
European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis

WG1 meeting – Empirical perspectives on written and oral data on public policy argumentation

Full program HERE

Dates: 17-18 October 2019

Location: University of Belgrade

On 17-18 October 2019, APPLY Working group 1 (WG1) met at the University of Belgrade for a workshop entitled: “Empirical perspectives on written and oral data in public policy argumentation”. The scientific committee was composed by Sara Greco (WG1 leader), Barbara De Cock (WG1 co-leader), Ana Milojevic (local organizer) and Jelena Kleut (local organizer). The workshop was opened by a plenary lecture by Alan Cienki devoted to framing and metaphor in written and spoken discourse.

The workshop was organized around data sessions, which allowed participants to compare datasets and methods of analysis. The goal of the workshop was to launch different paths for collaborations in terms of joint analysis and annotation systems; and to promote theoretical reflection on important aspects clearly emerging from empirical data on public policy.

In particular, participants discussed around topics such as the analysis of (complex forms of) practical argumentation, the definition of “experts” that citizens are relying on, analysis of values emerging from argumentation and its implicit premises, and even how much argumentation is used (or not) in public policy discourse.

At the end of the workshop, participants could identify avenues for joint writing/data collection projects and other collaboration paths for the upcoming months. The workshop participants equally discussed the writing of a Report on existing datasets, which WG1 is finalizing by the end of October, and a database of existing datasets, which will be released in early 2020.



COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

COST Action CA17132

Providing and criticising reasons is indispensable to achieve sound public policy that commands the support of both citizens and stakeholders. This need is now widely acknowledged in the recent literature and key EU documents, which highlight the perils of populist discourse and policies.

Action Contacts

Andreia Domingues - Grant Manager [CA 17132]
NOVA - FCSH | Avenida de Berna, 26 C
1069-061 Lisboa - Portugal

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