APPLY TV Series 1 Episode 3
Information disorder in public policy communication
APPLY TV is a new series of online talks organised by the COST Action project CA17132: European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis (APPLY). Its main theme is public argumentation investigated from any of the theoretical perspectives present in the Action: philosophy, linguistics, communication, discourse analysis, computer science, psychology. Each speaker presents her or his most recent work on argumentation in compact episodes of 1hr, with 30 min dedicated to the presentation and 30 min to discussion.
Season 1
Episode 3
Wendesday 31/03/2021 16:00 CET
Information disorder in public policy communication
In this talk, I will discuss how untruthful and misleading claims may undermine democracy and make people more vulnerable. I present examples from two recent empirical studies: one dealing with the post-referendum Brexit rhetoric of the British government and the other with harmful messages circulating in Europe during the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic. I suggest that normative investigation of the quality of public policy communication should increasingly draw on theories of information disorder, social vulnerability, and the ethics of democratic representation.
Recommended reading:
How a lack of truthfulness can undermine democratic representation [link]
COVID-19 information disorder [link]
Communication-related vulnerability to disasters [link]
Speaker: Sten Hansson
Hosted by Jan Albert van Laar
Join the session by registering HERE
The talk will be streamed via the APPLY TV YouTube channel, and is now available on demand, just below.
The Q&A session following the talk will not be streamed, but will be recorded. Please take this information into account, for data protection matters. (You can turn off your camera, should you prefer).