Discourses surrounding sustainability policies
Mon & Tue, 27-28 SEP 2021
Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
Working group 1 (“Empirical Study of Public Argumentation”) of the European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis (COST Action CA17132 – APPLY; https://publicpolicyargument.eu/) is pleased to organize this meeting on discourses surrounding sustainability, which includes submissions regarding:
– The reconstruction of the debate on sustainability policies in the EU and/or specific countries;
– Contributions on specific topics or aspects of the debate regarding sustainability, such as sustainable energy sources, sustainable fashion, sustainable food systems, cases of greenwashing, etc.
– Discourses concerning environmental, social and economic sustainability and their relationships;
– Linguistic and argumentative approaches considering the semantics and pragmatics of words related to sustainability and their argumentative implications;
– Empirical methods used to study sustainability discourses in different venues (e.g. policy documents, business reports, NGOs, citizen discourses….) and taking into account different languages.
Invited speaker
Lieve Vangehuchten (Department of Linguistics, University of Antwerp, Belgium),
Presentations last 30 mins in total, including discussion. The meeting includes a salutation by the research group on digital fashion communication at the Università della Svizzera Italiana and a final discussion about the continuation of the work of WG1 within the APPLY Cost Action.
Invitations are extended based on aggregated votes by the working group leaders. There are no fees.
Submission & registration
Please do specify whether you will be attending the conference on site (i.e. travelling to Lugano) or remotely. To register for online participation to this meeting, please use this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfVuw9C0DV7fr3oJhtzH9CRfxrEBeseUagr2Bg ApB5qtnxImA/viewform?usp=sf_link)
Participants (from COST countries) are eligible for travel cost reimbursement as per (updated) COST
rules: https://www.cost.eu/funding/how-to-get-funding/documents-guidelines/
Note: A Management Committee meeting (MCM) is held on Wednesday, Sept 29, 10:00-12:00 AM, linked remotely to two meetings in Madrid, Spain, and Rome, Italy. MCM members automatically receive invitations via the COST e-system.
Local organizers
Sara Greco & Chiara Mercuri
sara.greco@usi.ch; chiara.mercuri@usi.ch
Working group leaders
Sara Greco & Barbara De Cock
sara.greco@usi.ch; barbara.decock@uclouvain.be
Red Room, Executive Center Campus Ovest, USI – Università della Svizzera italiana Via G. Buffi 13,
6900 Lugano, Switzerland
Important dates
Submission deadline: 16 AUG 2021
Invitations sent: 24 AUG 2021
Registration deadline: 20 SEPT 2021
Workshop: Mo-Tue, 27-28 SEPT 2021
MCM: 29 SEPT 2021
Practicalities (travel, hotels, etc.)
Please contact chiara.mercuri@usi.ch