University of Amsterdam (UvA)
Faculty of Humanities
P.C. Hoofthuis
Spuistraat 134
1012 VB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Organised by: Corina Andone, University of Amsterdam (UvA)
Members present: Marin Lewiński, Barbara de Cock, Sandrine Roginsky, Jan Albert van Laar, Fabio Paglieri, Corina Andone, Sara Greco (via Skype), Steve Oswald (via Skype).
The chief of the meeting was to take stock of the Grant Period 1, evaluate the activities in GP1, notably the Kick-Off event in Lisbon, and discuss the details of the Work and Budget Plan for the upcoming Grant Period 2. In particular, the precise academic deliverables, the construction of the database of public argumentation the EU, and the engagement of stakeholders in the Action were discussed in detail. Corina Andone presented her research on argumentation in the EU lawmaking.