Argumentation analysis of a journalistic report about the Cave of Altamira (Spain). It is annotated following Inference Anchoring Theory (IAT) guidelines.
COST Action CA17132 - APPLY
European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis
COST Action CA17132 - APPLY
European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis
Argumentation analysis of a journalistic report about the Cave of Altamira (Spain). It is annotated following Inference Anchoring Theory (IAT) guidelines.
Argumentative analysis of technical reports produced by researchers in cultural heritage. It is annotated following Inference Anchoring Theory (AIT) guidelines.
This corpus consists of a collection of tweets of Members of the European Parliament and candidates at the European Elections of 2014 and 2019, coming from Belgium, France, Spain and the United Kingdom. The tweets are classified per account. Restricted access – contact author for more information or specific conditions
Post-level data of posts made by a series of european parties – from AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, HU, IL, IT, MT, PT, RO, RS, SE and TR – to Facebook. Metadata includes text, datestamp and N of engagement (such as likes, shares and so on) that each post had yielded at the time of archiving. See…