COST Action CA17132 - APPLY
European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis

Audiovisual media

Multi-trait map of a televised debate

Dataset with over 700+ data-points (20+ traits) of a 24 minute TV interview on educational policy in 2013 after students protests (interview by Péter Csermely with György Fábri, vice-rector of ELTE, Budapest). Televised debate, annotation (dataset in excel and in XPSS, srt file for teaching use), has audio/video/shooting angle data, linguistic & non-verbal traits. Restricted access – COST members only…



The witness of a gay against gay mariage in France. The witness is a videorecording published on youtube by a French chain (Homovox) supporting freedom and minority rights. The video has been transcripted according to the CLAPI conventions (ICOR-Lyon).  



A French high-school pupil, wins the national competition of argumentation for human rights (yearly held in Caen) with a speech about the rights of the elderly. The corpus is constituted by the first section of the speech, in which she relates a shocking visit to a home for the elderly. The corpus has been transcripted according to CLAPI conventions (ICOR-Lyon).…


Political press conferences

The corpus includes press conferences coming from the European Central Bank, the European Parliament, NATO, and also the White House. All the conferences include the speech given by politicians and also journalists’ interventions. Restricted access – contact author for more information or specific conditions



This is a corpus composed of cases of conflict resolution through dispute mediation in various interpersonal conflicts. Part of the corpus has been collected by Chiara Jermini-Martinez Soria in the framework of the project RefraMe – The inferential dynamics of reframing within dispute mediators’ argumentation, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Grant 10001C_170004). The corpus is annotated regarding the…


Argumentation in the European Union

EU legislation, EU soft law instruments, EU press releases = data is available on EUR-lex, website of DG COMM of the European Commission. The data are in English but official EU translation are available through the EU websites (; When data is transcribed by researcher (in case of interviews), it cannot be made publicly available.




COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

COST Action CA17132

Providing and criticising reasons is indispensable to achieve sound public policy that commands the support of both citizens and stakeholders. This need is now widely acknowledged in the recent literature and key EU documents, which highlight the perils of populist discourse and policies.

Action Contacts

Andreia Domingues - Grant Manager [CA 17132]
NOVA - FCSH | Avenida de Berna, 26 C
1069-061 Lisboa - Portugal

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