This databases consists of newspaper articles that were published in Croatian newspapers and that were related to LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) issues between 2002 and 2013 – this is the period between first ever Croatian Pride Parade in 2002 and the referendum for constitutional definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman in 2013. The articles were published in nine Croatian newspapers (24sata, Glas Slavonije, Globus, Jutarnji list, Nacional, Novi list, Slobodna Dalmacija, Večernji list, Vjesnik) during perods of the increased public interest in LGBT-related issues: Pride Parades (Zagreb 2002-2013, Split 2011-2013), International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT; 2005-2013), pertinent parliamentary sessions (Same-sex Unions, Gender Equality and Family Law in 2003, Medically-Assisted Reproduction in 2005, Registered Partnership in 2006, Anti-Discrimination and Gender Equality in 2008, Medically-Assisted Reproduction in 2009, 2011 and 2012, Anti-Discrimination in 2012), and the key events of the 2012/2013 sex education campaign and the 2013 marriage referendum campaign. For regular or announced events (e.g. Pride, demonstrations) the coverage typically includes the week before and after the event. For parliamentary debates, press conferences and similar events, the coverage is examined for reactions during the event and in the week afterwards. Some time-limited events (e.g. IDAHOT) were covered only for that day.
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