COST Action 17132 APPLY – Closing conference & Management Committee meetingTraining School: Argument Mining and Argumentation-based Explainable AIThe Rome workshop of all Working GroupsCagliari APPLY Training School: Argumentation and PragmaticsEmpirical studies of discourse and argumentation in public policy: multidisciplinary and multilingual perspectives WG1 meeting - international conference of the European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy AnalysisNorms of Public Argument: A Speech Act PerspectiveLisbon Summer School on Speech Acts in Public Discourse: Normative QuestionsWG2 Workshop, 21-22 April 2022: Norms of public argumentation: select theoretical perspectives and applicationsÖrebro APPLY Training School: Multimodal Rhetoric and Argumentation in Public Policy CommunicationCopenhagen APPLY Training School: Deliberation, dissent, and norms of argumentative engagementArgument technologies and public debate: the design perspectiveInt. Workshop on Argumentative Norms in Public Policy: Between Reason and UnreasonDiscourses surrounding sustainability policiesTrento Training School: The rhetorical roots of argumentation. A legal experienceAPPLY TV Series 1 Episode 6: Weaknesses of the popularity argument in political deliberationAPPLY TV Series 1 Episode 5: Argumentation and a three-tiered model of epistemic exchangeAPPLY TV Series 1 Episode 4: Towards argument-based explanatory dialogues: from argument mining to (explanatory) argument generationAPPLY TV Series 1 Episode 3: Information disorder in public policy communicationAPPLY TV Series 1 Episode 2: Criteria for epistemically rational public argumentationAPPLY TV Series 1 Episode 1: Blurts hurt! How bad science communication can derail public discourse on Covid-19WG1 online meeting: Citizens, Experts and Institutions: Empirical Analyses of Public Policy ArgumentationWG2 meeting: Norms for public argumentReasons, Citizens and Institutions. International Conference on Argumentation and Public PolicyCroatia APPLY Winter School 2020: Methods of argument analysis and evaluation in public contextsWG2 meeting — Politicizing and depoliticizing climate change: How to evaluate public communication from argumentative perspectives?WG1 meeting - Empirical perspectives on written and oral data on public policy argumentationWG3 meeting - Public arguments in the wild: analysing concrete instances of public argument and practices for organizing public deliberationCore Group meeting in WroclawAPPLY special panel at the 3rd European Conference on Argumentation, U. of Groningen, The NetherlandsECA Training school in LeidenMeeting of Working Group Leaders in AmsterdamCOST Action 17132 APPLY – Kick Off eventArgument Mapping WorkshopCore group meeting in BrusselsKick-off MC meeting in BrusselsOlder eventsNext events share: